Sunday 16 March 2014

Fulfilling the Senses of Sounds - Hy Brasil

Chris Watson's sound installation, Hy Brasil, was at the Howard Assembly Room, Leeds, for approximately two weeks in March 2014.  Watson, a sound artist, is renowned for his works with BBC's Frozen Planet and Cabaret Voltaire.  It's suggested that Hy Brasil hides in a fog off the Irish Coast and makes a metaphoric appearance once every seven years via light and sound to humans.

The installation focuses on the sounds of natural nature which travels one to the depths of the ocean; ascends back up to the coastline and land; and a final ascension to a mountain's summit.  The dim but soft lighting accompanies the sounds of marine and land wildlife in its natural habitat.  A figurative round the world journey suggests the listener to appreciate and being more aware of this beautiful planet.  

A perfect way to relax and be taken on a journey of sounds.  BBC quotes this as 'Cinema for the ears'.  Agreeable and a highly recommend sound installation!

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